Sunday 3 March 2013

Integration of 3D Printing with Modern Life

It's hard to argue the relevance and application of 3D printing in todays society but here are three ways in which the technology will become relevant to everyone in the future

Autodesk's 123D Sculpt, Creature and Catch and others create an entry point for all, new people interested in the technology and children who could concievable design and print their own toys.

These objects can appear gimicky but represent an amazing accomplishment in technology and introduce a whole new market to 3D printing including young people who could be inspired to be our future designers.

Theo Jansen's Strandbeest (shown left) was previously lifesize and one off. 3D printing allows it to be mass produced by anyone. Sharing the model and the ideas behind it. This open source knowledge will allow progression and greater designs in the future. This is one of the greatest strengths of 3D printings open source nature.

3D Printing allows rapid prototyping and micro manufacture, inspiring designers to design, create and share their ideas.

Using 3D printers to produce items which can be used practically. By moving the manufacturing to the home people could begin to really see why having a personal 3D printer could be beneficial.

Nokia took a step towards this when they released the designs for a case for the Lumia. Inviting people to print their own cases. A truely useful day to day application for a 3D printer.

Monday 18 February 2013


Personal 3D printing has gained a lot of publicity as it represents an opportunity for anyone to print a physical item. It provides an opportunity for anyone to invent and test their ideas without spending vast sums.
For those not inclined to inventing new things, the ability to print items from libraries of stock items within the home will revolutionise home living of the future.

This blog is to explore how 3D printing will revolutionise the manufacturing industry creating the opportunity for anyone to set up manufacturing items. It will provide up to date information on 3D printing as it advances and new technologies and ideas are implemented. It is designed as a resource for 3D printer builders, developers as well as those interested in getting there own or just a vague interest.